Products tagged with 'exam pack'

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Victorian Selective School Exam Pack for Years 9/10: The Ultimate Selective Schools Preparation Bundle (Digital-PDF Version, Online Solutions)

Digital - PDF Version with online detailed solutions
$349.00 $277.00

Selective Exam Pack - Advanced Volume 1

Digital - PDF Version ONLY Overall, this pack provides a very detailed set of challenging questions that all students will benefit from doing before the ‘big day’. Exam 1 of this exam pack is identical to the Selective Exam Pack – Basic. This means that if you’ve already purchased the Selective Exam Pack – Basic do not purchase this one.]
$149.00 $118.00

Selective Exam Pack - Advanced Volume 2

Digital, PDF -online Version ONLY This exam pack is designed to assist students in getting ready for the Victorian Selective Schools entrance exams (for entrance into Melbourne High, Mac. Rob, Nossal or Suzanne Cory). It contains 3 FULL exams and FULLY worked answers.
$149.00 $118.00

Write A Persuasive Essay In 15 Minutes

Digital - PDF version ONLY Are you looking to improve your narrative writing technique?
$59.95 $47.00

Write A Narrative In 15 Minutes

Digital - PDF version ONLY Are you looking to improve your narrative writing technique?
$59.95 $47.00

NSW Set of 6 General Ability Tests - Yr 6 for Yr 7 Selective School Entrance

Digital - PDF Version ONLY - Immediate Download This exam pack is designed to assist students getting ready for the New South Wales selective schools entrance exam. It contains 6 exams for the general ability section.
$88.00 $70.40

VIC Set of 6 Numerical Reasoning Tests and 6 Verbal Reasoning Tests - Yr 8 for Yr 9 Selective School Entrance

Digital - PDF Version ONLY - Immediate Download This exam pack is designed to assist students getting ready for the Victorian Selective Schools entrance exams (for entrance into Melbourne High, Mac.Rob, Nossal or Suzanne Cory). It contains 6 exams for the verbal reasoning and numerical reasoning sections.
$150.00 $120.00

VIC Set of 6 Mathematics Tests and 6 Verbal Reasoning Tests - Yr 8 for Yr 9 Selective School Entrance

Digital - PDF Version ONLY - Immediate Download This exam pack is designed to assist students getting ready for the Victorian Selective Schools entrance exams (for entrance into Melbourne High, Mac.Rob, Nossal or Suzanne Cory). It contains 6 exams for the mathematics and verbal reasoning sections.
$150.00 $120.00

VIC Set of 6 Mathematics Tests, 6 Numerical Reasoning Tests and 6 Verbal Reasoning Tests - Yr 8 for Yr 9 Selective School Entrance

Digital - PDF Version ONLY - Immediate Download This exam pack is designed to assist students getting ready for the Victorian Selective Schools entrance exams (for entrance into Melbourne High, Mac.Rob, Nossal or Suzanne Cory). It contains 6 exams for the mathematics, verbal reasoning and numerical reasoning sections.
$220.00 $176.00