Get the Results You Want—the Smart Way!
T his book outlines the six steps to test and exam success:
Step 1: S tudy Notes
Step 2: Skills Check
Step 3: Intermediate Test
Step 4: Advanced Test
Step 5: Sample Exam Papers
Step 6: Chec k Your Worked Solutions
Strand: Number and Algebra
- Real Numbers
- Functions and Other Graphs
- Polynomials
- Linear and Non- linear Relationships
- Algebraic Techniques
Strand: Measurement and Geometry
- Surface Area and Volume
- Geometry
- Circle Geometry
- Pythagoras a nd Trigonometry
Strand: Statistics and Probability
- Mean and Standard Deviation
- Investigatio ns of Data Sets and Reports
Tips for the Sample Exam Paper s
Sample Exam Papers
Worked Solutions
Test & Exam Res ults
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