Excel SmartStudy Year 8 Mathematics

Publisher: Pascal Press
ISBN: 9781741254747
Delivery date: 5-10 Business Days
Your price: $22.91
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Get the Results You Want— the Smart Way!

This book serves as a structured revision program for all students undertaking Year 8 Mathematics. It has been de signed to help students revise for class tests, half-yearly and end-of-y ear exams. It is structured to consolidate students’ understanding in line with Australian Curriculum outcomes. Through concise Study Note s, Skills Checks, Intermediate/Advanced Tests, Sample Exam Papers and Wo rked Solutions, this book will ensure that your child is fully prepared for class exams.

This book contains six steps to test and exam su ccess:

Step 1: Study Notes

Step 2: Skills Check

Ste p 3: Intermediate Test

Step 4: Advanced Test

Step 5: Sampl e Exam Papers

Step 6: Check Your Worked Solutions



Number and Alge bra

Measurement and Geometry

Statistics amd Probability</p >

Strand: Number and Algebra 

Number and Place Value

Real Numbers

Patterns and Algebra

Line ar and Non-linear Relationships

Strand: Measurement and G eometry

Using Units of Measurement

Geometric Reas oning

Strand: Statistics and Probability


Data Representation and Interpretation

Tips for Sam ple Exam Papers

Sample Exam Papers

Worked Solutions

Test & Exam Results

Feedback Checklist


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Products specifications
Attribute nameAttribute value
AudiencePrimary and secondary / elementary and high school
Author(s)Pascal Press
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