Oxford University Press

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Women at Work


Women Beware Women, and Other Plays

This volume contains the four plays by Thomas Middleton which have most impressed the modern world: "A Chaste Maid in Cheapside" is the most complex amd effective of the city comedies; "Women Beware Women" and "The Changeling" (with William Rowley) are two of the most powerful Jacobean tragedies outside of Shakespeare -- studies in lust, power, violence, and self-delusive psychology; "A Game at Chess" was the single most popular play of the whole Shakespearean era, a satirical exposé of Jesuit plotting and Anglo-Spanish politics which played tp pacifist houses at the Globe until King James and his ministers banned it. The best-value collection available with the most officially up-to-date introduction; all the play texts are newly edited with richly informative annotation.

Women Classical Scholars

This volume celebrates the women born between the Renaissance and 1913 who played significant roles in the history of classical scholarship. Synthesizing incisive case-studies with overviews of the evolution of the discipline, it explores their legacy and provides scholars of today with the female intellectual ancestors they did not know they had.

Women Classical Scholars

This volume celebrates the women born between the Renaissance and 1913 who played significant roles in the history of classical scholarship. Synthesizing incisive case-studies with overviews of the evolution of the discipline, it explores their legacy and provides scholars of today with the female intellectual ancestors they did not know they had.

Women Drug Users

The book provides an account of the lives and experiences of a group of female intravenous drug users in Glasgow. Based on participant observations of the women in their own setting and in-depth interviews, it is the first full ethnographic account of the lifestyle of female drug users.

Women in a Celtic Church

This work is a ground-breaking study of the varieties of holy life available to, and pursued by, early medieval Irish women. The author explores a wide range of source material from legal texts, saints' lives, litanies, penitentials, canons, and poetry in order to illuminate female religious life and changes in attitudes towards it over time.

Women in Ancient Persia, 559-331 BC

The first book to reveal the fascinating picture of women and their economic and political importance in the Persian empire. Xerxes' exploits are famous, but what about Irdabama, a successful landowner who controlled her own wine and grain business? Or the ruthless queen Parysatis who murdered her enemy after a game of dice?

Women in Control?

How far have women progressed in the `unfeminine' career of policing? How far do they want to go and how far will their male colleagues and the public let them? Women in Control? is the first comparative work on women and law enforcement in Britain and the United States. Based on a series of interviews with female officers, it examines such issues as equal opportunities, women officers' attitudes to sex crimes and violence, and male hostility and harassment, and explores new ground by seeking to place these experiences in the social and historical context.

Women in Early Modern England 1550-1720

What was life like for women who lived in Tudor and Stuart England? This fascinating book provides a colourful and comprehensive account of the daily experiences of these women, using first-hand sources such as diaries, letters, and household accounts. The authors investigate the varying expectations and opportunities that existed at different stages of women's lives, and examine a range of different themes: the role of female friendships and networks of support or censure; the effects of prevailing gender stereotypes; the diverse roles of women in the religious and political movements of the times. The book focuses on the preoccupations of ordinary women, comparing the makeshift economy of the poorest with the ambitions and activities of those from wealthier backgrounds. Their views on the world -- the outlook of that half of the population usually hidden from the historical record -- open up a valuable new perspective on the history of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England.