Oxford University Press

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Writing with Children


Writing World History 1800-2000

Writing World History offers a comparative look at the subject. It presents modern debates and analyses the traditions of world historiography in the USA, Europe, Africa, and Asia. This volume offers a critique of Eurocentrism and invites reflection on the political, ideological, and moral connotations of world history-writing.

Writing, Performance, and Authority in Augustan Rome

An exploration of the relationship between poetry, song, and authority in Augustan Rome. Michele Lowrie argues that the medium of writing, as opposed to song, could offer an escape from current social and political demands by shifting the focus toward the readership of posterity.

Writing, Violence, and the Military

This book takes representations of reading and writing in Eighteenth Dynasty Egypt (ca. 1550-1295 BCE) and explores how patrons of art shaped conceptualizations of literacy in relation to militarism, violence, and memory.

Writings in General Linguistics

The first publication of the manuscript on general linguistics by Ferdinand Saussure which in the form of his students' lecture notes helped shape the thought of the twentieth century and which lay undiscovered in a Geneva summerhouse for eighty years. The new work throws fresh light on central aspects of Saussure's thought, including his famous oppositions between form and meaning, the sign and what is signified, and language (langue) and its performance (parole).

Writings on Common Law and Hereditary Right

A critical edition of two great works by Thomas Hobbes. The Dialogue of the Common Laws is his classic critique of common law, essential reading for anyone interested in English political thought or legal theory. It is accompanied by Hobbes's last word on politics, a fragment in which he mounts a robust defence of hereditary right.

Writings on Logic and Metaphysics

This is the only general selection available of the writings of the renowned English idealist philosopher F. H. Bradley; it is the ideal introduction to his thought. Bradley's original texts are given an editorial framework in the introductions to each section, allowing students to investigate his philosophy first-hand and yet to be guided through the difficulties presented by his work.

Writings on Political Economy, Volume I

A new volume of the writings of Jeremy Bentham, including notes on his discussions of political economy and public finance, his reaction to the taxation of legal proceedings, and the denial of justice to the poor.

Writings on Political Economy, Volume II

A new volume of the writings of Jeremy Bentham, containing 'Supply without Burthen' and 'Proposals relative to divers modes of Supply', in which he set out systematically to review possible sources of public revenue.