This is a long-awaited reissue of Remnant's classic study of misericords (medieval church carvings) in the United Kingdom. First published in 1969, A Catalogue of Misericords in Great Britain provides a complete listing of misericords from parish churches throughout the UK. The book also features an informative chapter on the iconography of misericords from M. D. Anderson (Lady Trenchard Cox), well known for a number of authoritative books on medieval carving and mythology. The 48 illustrations cover both some of the better known misericords throughout the country, and a number of carvings of outstanding interest from smaller churches.
A comprehensive catalogue of the surviving polyphonic song repertory 1415-1480 in any European language. The catalogue will be an essential work of reference for anyone interested in the music of the 15th century.
This work provides the essential information on twenty-three previously uncatalogued Ethiopic manuscripts in England: fourteen in the Bodleian Library of Oxford University, two in the Cambridge University Library, three in the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, and four from the private collection of Dr. Ian MacLennan (London).
This third volume of the catalogue contains descriptive entries for over five hundred manuscripts of Sanskrit hymnic and devotional poems, running to nearly seven hundred separate compositions in manuscripts running from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century. This important genre of classical Indian literature is valuable not only for its intrinsic poetic and aesthetic merits but also as a vital source of information for the history of Indian religion and its numerous traditions and affiliations. The collection includes works of famous devotional poets and philosophers as well as nearly two hundred compositions whose authors are unknown including some for which there are no other known available manuscripts in any other libraries. Professor Aithal is an internationally renowned expert in the field, and his descriptions include details of scribal and palaeographic features; his useful introduction outlines the literary genre and the principles of its classification.
Originally published in 1964 as part of Michael Kennedy's The Works of Ralph Vaughan Williams, this catalogue is now published in a completely revised edition. The opportunity has been taken to include a mass of corrections and new material that have come to light since the book was last printed in 1982. The text has been reset for this edition.
In A Century of Anarchy?: War, Normativity, and the Birth of Modern International Order, Simon challenges the German Sonderweg understanding of the nineteenth century and deconstructs the myth of the 'free right to go to war', drawing on political and normative discourses to outline a genealogy of modern war justifications.
These essays trace the evolution of British geography as an academic discipline during the last hundred years, and stress how the study of the world we live in is fundamental to an understanding of its problems and concerns. Never before has such an ambitious and wide-ranging review been attempted, and never before has it been done with so much knowledge and passion. The principal themes covered in this volume are those of environment, place and space, and the applied geography of map-making and planning. The volume also addresses specific issues such as disease, urbanization, regional viability, and ethics and social problems. This lively and accessible work offers many insights into the minds and practices of today's geographers.
This is an authoritative guide to the full range of medieval scholarship undertaken in twentieth-century Britain: history, archaeology, language, culture. Some of the twenty-nine essays focus on changes in research method or on the achievements of individual scholars, others are personal accounts of a lifetime's work.
The evolution of Oriental Studies in Britain over the last century is traced in thirteen essays on key figures (twelve of them Fellows of the British Academy). They exemplify the outstanding contribution of British scholars to Oriental scholarship, within the general trend in the West to understand and interpret the civilisations of the East sympathetically. With important changes of methodology and approach to the cultures and religions of Asia, the twentieth century has been an exciting and fruitful period for Oriental Studies in Britain.