Pearson Chapters Year 3 Play It Again, Sam! (Reading Level 25-28/F&P Level P-S)

Pearson Chapters is a collection of highly appealing chapter books written to engage and motivate primary school-age readers in Years 2-6. The books a...
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN: 9781442529717
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Pearson Chapters is a collection of highly appealing chapter books written to engage and motivate primary school-age readers in Years 2-6. The books are levelled (both Reading Recovery and Broadband) and are designed for on-level and above-level readers.

This reader is classified as Reading Level 25-28 / Fountas and Pinnell Level P-S. Visit our Levelled readers page for further information on reading levels.

Products specifications
Attribute nameAttribute value
AudiencePrimary and secondary / elementary and high school
Author(s)Pamela Rushby