Oxford University Press

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Xenophon III. Expeditio Cyri (Anabasis)

Xenophon III. Expeditio Cyri (Anabasis)

Xenophon V. Opuscula

Xenophon V. Opuscula

Xenophon: Poroi (Revenue-Sources)

Framed by a General Introduction and the first-ever full Commentary in English, this new and unprecedentedly accurate translation of Xenophon's Poroi (or, Revenue-Sources) offers an authoritative yet accessible overview of the final work of this renowned Greek author that will be invaluable to both students and more experienced scholars.

Xenophon's Cyropaedia


Xenophon's Mirror of Princes

A study of images of leadership in Xenophon's narrative works. Vivienne J. Gray argues that Xenophon employs techniques such as the creation of patterned narratives, as well as allusions to Homer and Herodotus; she also takes issue with the school of thought that finds hidden subversion beneath Xenophon's surface praise of leaders.

XII Panegyrici Latini

XII Panegyrici Latini

X-Ray Compton Scattering

With the development of potent x-ray sources at many synchrotron laboratories worldwide, Compton scattering has become a standard tool for studying electron densities in materials. This book provides condensed matter and materials physicists with an authoritative, up-to-date, and very accessible account of the Compton scattering method, leading to a fundamental understanding of the electronic and magnetic properties of solid materials, both elements and compounds.

X-Ray Crystallography

X-ray crystallography, a powerful technique for structure determination, plays a major role in modern research. This primer gives a concise and accessible account of the technique, emphasising its wide-ranging practical application to engineering and the physical and biological sciences.

X-ray Scattering and Absorption by Magnetic Materials

This is the first book devoted to the use of X-ray beam techniques to study magnetic properties of materials. It covers both experimental and theoretical issues. The three main topics are dichroism, elastic scattering (both non-resonant and resonant diffraction) and spectroscopy.