Up to date and informative, the Yearbook of Copyright and Media Law is now well established as a key source of information and analysis for all copyright, media and entertainment law professionals. It responds to practical developments and problem areas such as the Internet and Multimedia while also making a serious contribution to copyright and media law as a legal discipline. The central feature of the Yearbook is the range of annual surveys prepared by expert practising lawyers. Covering all issues from copyright, trademarks, licensing societies and new technology to libel, contempt of court and music contracts, the surveys contain considered and thorough analysis of the most recent developments in the UK, the EC, and beyond.
Up to date and informative, the Yearbook of Copyright and Media Law is now well established as a key source of information and analysis for all copyright, media and entertainment law professionals. It is is designed to respond to practical developments and problem areas such as the Internet and Multimedia while also making a serious contribution to copyright and media law as a legal discipline. The central feature of the Yearbook is the range of annual surveys prepared by expert practising lawyers. Covering all issues from copyright, trademarks, licensing societies and new technology to libel, contempt of court and music contracts, the surveys contain considered and thorough analysis of the most recent developments in the UK, the EC, and beyond. The special survey in this yearbook focuses on definitions of film and there are in-depth articles on topical subjects such as the Microsoft judgment and the impact of The Human Rights Act and the Data Protection Act.
The Yearbook of European Environmental Law is a joint venture between leading academics, practitioners, and Community officials. Academics and students will find a wealth of information in the stimulating and clearly written articles. The well-structured and reliable Annual Surveys are specifically designed to provide easy access to the very latest developments in environmental law at both European and national level. Separate parts of the Yearbook are devoted to important policy documents and reviews of books.
The Yearbook of European Environmental Law is a joint venture between leading academics, practitioners, and Community officials. Academics and students will find a wealth of information in the stimulating and clearly written articles. The well-structured and reliable Annual Surveys are specifically designed to provide easy access to the very latest developments in environmental law at both European and national level. Separate parts of the Yearbook are devoted to important policy documents and reviews of books.
The Yearbook of European Environmental Law is a joint venture between leading academics, practitioners, and Community officials. It provides a wealth of information in stimulating and clearly written article, reliable Annual Surveys, access to important policy documents and also reviews of books.
The Yearbook is an annual publication which provides a comprehensive overview of current developments in the international investment law and policy field, focusing on recent trends and issues in foreign direct investment (FDI), investment treaty practice, and investor-state arbitration.
The Yearbook on International Investment Law & Policy is an annual publication which provides a comprehensive overview of current developments in the international investment law and policy field.
The Yearbook on International Investment Law & Policy is an annual publication which provides a comprehensive overview of current developments in the international investment law and policy field.
The Yearbook on International Investment Law & Policy is an annual publication which provides a comprehensive overview of current developments in the international investment law and policy field.